Monday, September 28, 2009

9 weeks

So far DJ and I had our very first prenatal appointment; we saw our little bean and listened to his/her heart beat.
DJ and I also decided to sign up for a prenatal class (9/30) through our health care provider- maybe when we finish the class I will leave all my worries behind and have some sort of certificate that says I am "ready"- YEAH RIGHT! I didn't think DJ would be too interested in taking a class but I am very happy that he does.
We are not patient at all, instead of waiting for week 20 to find out the sex of the baby, DJ and I have scheduled a 3D ultrasound to find out at week 16. We decided we both wanted to know the sex so we could better plan the nursery and have the baby's name picked out. Plus, surprises are realy hard for the two of us!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Telling DJ we're pregnant

The last week in August was stressful for me, I was convinced I was pregnant but every test I took said I wasn't...

Finally, during the weekend (DJ works graves, 7p to 7:30a) I woke up early and had already taken TWO tests, both came back POSITIVE. At around 7:30a I took a THIRD TEST, also positive (I just wanted to be sure!)! DJ called me to tell me he would be working over and getting some OT! I laughed and said, that's prefect, we are going to need it...I AM PREGNANT! DJ immediately asked me if I was sure and was very happy to hear the news!

I thought of all these clever sweet ways to tell him, none of them involved being happy he could work some overtime!

As soon as we hung up I sent him a picture text message with 1 of the tests!