Friday, October 30, 2009


DJ and I just signed up for a 10K, to be held Thanksgiving Day morning in Suisun Valley. The run benefits: CASA, Children's Nurturing Project, Heather's House, Meals on Wheels and Mission Solano. If you are in the area and interested in joining us please sign up! $25/ per person.

Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mr. and Mrs. Bauer

DJ and I celebrated the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Bauer! Great wedding, lots of good food, wonderful people and fun music! Best part of the evening...THE PHOTO BOOTH!

Friday, October 23, 2009

12 1/2 weeks

S/he is growing...

Here s/he is looking at you laying on his/her side with his/her arm up waving hello (head to the left). LOOK AT THOSE LITTLE FINGERS!

Baby on his/her back, still with arm rested on his/her head (Head to the left, feet up and crossed to the right).

DJ and I were so excited, the baby was so active during the scan! I couldn't help but laugh myself to tears when he/she moved- I so badly want to feel the movement, but was happy to see it on the screen.

DJ and I heard about this test, but decided not to waste our money. The Tuesday before Thanksgiving will be here soon enough... Anyone know someone who has used it and had the "right" results? I fear they are trying to make money off a 50/50 chance, though $30 isn't really that much. Hmm...

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Supposedly, at 10 weeks (or after), the urine test can tell you if you are having a boy or girl in just 10 minutes.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ziggy is practicing

Our dear friends DJ, Mariela and their son Brody came over for dinner, Ziggy deicided to use this time to practice his baby skills...we can't wait to watch Brody and our little one play together. And Ziggy too, of course.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

12 weeks


How your baby's growing:

The most dramatic development this week: reflexes. Your baby's fingers will soon begin to open and close, his toes will curl, his eye muscles will clench, and his mouth will make sucking movements. In fact, if you prod your abdomen, your baby will squirm in response, although you won't be able to feel it. His intestines, which have grown so fast that they protrude into the umbilical cord, will start to move into his abdominal cavity about now, and his kidneys will begin excreting urine into his bladder.

Meanwhile, nerve cells are multiplying rapidly, and in your baby's brain, synapses are forming furiously. His face looks unquestionably human: His eyes have moved from the sides to the front of his head, and his ears are right where they should be. From crown to rump, your baby-to-be is just over 2 inches long (
about the size of a lime) and weighs half an ounce.

I want one of these! According to the website they can be used for babies 6-35lbs! Hopefully, I don't have a 19lb baby and I can use it longer.

Belly at 12 weeks:

33 more days until we find out if it is a boy or girl!!!! According to the "Chinese Gender Chart" it's a girl. I know DJ is praying they are wrong.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

baby's eyes

According to The Tech Museum our baby has a 37.5% of having blue eyes, 12.5% green eyes and 50% brown eyes.

If this baby turns out to be a boy, I would love his room to look something like this:


HECK, I love the monkey, it might still look like this even if it's a girl =)

Monday, October 12, 2009

11 weeks and counting

It's starting to look more like a baby!! The is full of all kinds of information!

Baby, fetus at 11 weeks - BabyCenter
How your baby's growing:
Your baby, just over 1 1/2 inches long and about the size of a fig, is now almost fully formed. Her/His hands will soon open and close into fists, tiny tooth buds are beginning to appear under her gums, and some of her/his bones are beginning to harden.

S/he's already busy kicking and stretching, and her/his tiny movements are so effortless they look like water ballet. These movements will become more frequent as her/his body grows and becomes more developed and functional. You won't feel your baby's acrobatics for another month or two — nor will you notice the hiccupping that may be happening now that her diaphragm is forming.

Not too much to see yet but I can tell there is a difference...

Friday, October 9, 2009

We have to buy what?!

I took this from a friend's blog and am completely overwhelmed. We have not purchased anything! Good thing we have lots of time =) I don't even know what some of this stuff is.

Baby "needs"


Dreft or detergent that is “free” (laundry detergent that is hypoallergenic for babies - have to wash all sheets + clothes with it)
Cotton Balls or rolls of sterilized cotton
Cotton Ball & Q-tip holder
Balmax (travel tube and tub for home)
Triple paste (at drugstore for serious diaper rash)
Diapers (Pampers Swaddlers)
Nail scissors and file
Nasal Aspirator (hospital gives you one and some drs. don’t recommend them)
Brush & Comb
Aveeno Baby Bath & Baby shampoo (really gentle)
Aveeno Baby Lotion or Vedababy creams
( - pure/no preservatives)
Eucerin or aquaphor
Thermometer (ear / rectal)
Infant Tylenol
Wipes (Pampers Sensitive or Natural) best ones are LANSINOH– they don’t have a lot of the chemicals that some babies are really sensitive to, and they are nice and thick.
Diaper Squares for changing table (disposable blue things)
Nursing Pads & Bras (Maternity Store)
Lanolin (for Breasts)
Medela Breast Pump (electric or manual)
Formula (ask pediatrician what kind - Enfamil
Lipil with Iron) - Formula really should be an emergency-only item; here’s why:
The formula market is HUGE, but the risks are surprising. 40% higher rate of childhood cancers in formula-fed babies, etc.
Add to drugstore list: lots of maxi pads. (??)


Bottles 4oz and 8oz (Avent or Playtex & some people like Dr. Brown’s - difficult to clean - supposedly helps with gas - ALSO - new brand called Born Free - no plastic preservatives) _ Adiri bottle is good for breastfed babies

Bottle & Nipple Brush
Bottle Sterilizer (or you can just boil in a big pot to sterilize) - Medela makes microwave steam sterilizer bags–LOVE these
Bottle Bag - Bag with ice-pack (you will receive this at the hospital)
Bottle drying rack
Nipple Basket - for dishwasher
Portable Wipes Holder
Sunscreen (not until 6 months)


Bassinette (plus fitted sheets, mattress pads, rubber pads, waterproof pad)
Rocking Chair or Glider (and foot stool/ottoman)
Changing Table, Pad, Pad Covers - a contoured changing pad and cover are great because you can use them on any surface
Mirror - Changing Table
Black & White Toys (developmental toys)
For Crib:
crib mattress, crib bib, rubber pad, mattress cover
Mobile for over the crib
Bedding - sheets, bumpers, blanket, crib skirt
Wedgie - keeps baby on its back in the crib (so it doesn’t roll)
Baby Monitor (Safety First Video monitor is awesome)
Infant Bath & sponge pad in bath for support
Breast feeding pillow/Boppi (suggested, but not necessary)


Bibs, Burp Cloths, thick towels with head, receiving blanket, miracle blanket, insert, washcloths, a few short undershirts (before umbilical cord falls off), hats, onsies (lots of them), pajamas, stretchies, socks (Hanna Andersson first socks are best).


1st one - Graco Car seat with Kolcraft Universal Snap and Go - can use up until 6 months and great for city - easy to get in & out of cars and cabs. The only concern is that keeping a baby in a carseat for extended stretches is not a good idea– bad for their developing spines. I’d use a different stroller when possible rather than always defaulting to this

2nd - Maclaren Techno - easy to fold and back goes all the way down for napping - Bugaboo is cool looking (design wise) but VERY difficult in the city if you don’t walk everywhere - hard to fold and takes up a lot of room in your apartment

For Stroller (netting, rain cover, mesh bag, cup holder, SPF sun cover, bundle me)

The challenge with the maclaren is that they are angled in such a way that they are very uncomfortable if your baby has any sort of acid reflux– will give them very painful tummy aches if they are in it more than a few minutes– we had to get rid of ours and trade it for a P3. The stokke has gotten good reviews from
urban moms, as has the inglesina line.

Infant car seat (GRACO) & head rest with Kolcraft Universal snap-n-go
Electric Swing (Fisher Price take along swing folds up)
Baby Bouncer (Fisher Price super soft one or the Kick and Play)
Activity play mat / gym (for 3 months & up)

Sling - Bjorn suspends a baby by the crotch– not good for crotch or spine. There are similar carriers that support the baby under the tush rather than by the crotch that are safer. Ergo, Beco are the best. Ergo is also great and is dad-preferred.)
Fisher Price Aquarium for inside crib - plays music and lights up
Graco Porta crib (pack-n-play) & mattress & mattress & mattress cover
Diaper Bag (Skip Hop - straps on stroller/tons of colors and not so Diaper bag-ish) -
Diaper Genie & refill
Purell or handiwipes for diaper bag

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Working Out

Yesterday was 10 1/2 weeks of being pregnant. The workout at our gym was "Nancy" which is 5 rounds 400m run, 15 over head squats at 65#. My clean/snatch to get the bar up was not too pretty- I will have to work on this, especially if DJ continues to make videos!

Going to spend the weekend with family, looking forward to a break and traveling up north. First time seeing my mother in law since being pregnant, she is really excited.

DJ and I have an ultrasound coupled with 2 blood tests; one next week (before the ultrasound) and one a few weeks after to make sure the baby is healthy.

Most exciting news!! Week 9 was my golden week (knock on wood) I have not had morning sickness or any other yuckie pregnancy symptoms since week 9.

Friday, October 2, 2009

The weeks before we found out I was pregnant...

Some of you are aware DJ and I (with friends) own and opperate a CrossFit gym, - I workout hard daily, doing my own work outs as well as training others. Now remember my first post, I thought I was pregnant, but every test I took said I was NOT, so I continued on with regular training. I set a new PR (personal record) and deadlifted 255#, took over the board with a Thruster/Double-under wod (workout of the day) and continued to use RX'd (perscribed women's weight) pushing myself to workout as fast as I could while maintaining good form.

I also had a super fun day with my cousin J.C! Thanks to a friend, I was able to take her to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom aka MARINE WORLD. We spent the entire day going on rides, running around, eating funnel cake and laughing. I believe we rode ROAR 5-7 times! Poor baby =(

During the weeks before finding out I also started to take Kajukenbo classes (self defense). I learned how to take down men and women larger then me and how to better protect myself. Several times I was taken down to the ground and hit. Lucky for me our little bean is strong and just kept up with me! He/she is still healthy and according to all the blood/urine tests everything is fine.

Since finding out we are pregnant I do plan to continue CrossFiting, just using lighter weight and not pushing myself to workout so hard but rather maintain strength. Since finding out I have run a 5K, workout following 3 days on 1 day off and continue to do weighted movements and nonweighted movements such as: pull-ups, push ups, squats. As the baby continues to grow I will share workout pictures with all of you.