Friday, October 9, 2009

We have to buy what?!

I took this from a friend's blog and am completely overwhelmed. We have not purchased anything! Good thing we have lots of time =) I don't even know what some of this stuff is.

Baby "needs"


Dreft or detergent that is “free” (laundry detergent that is hypoallergenic for babies - have to wash all sheets + clothes with it)
Cotton Balls or rolls of sterilized cotton
Cotton Ball & Q-tip holder
Balmax (travel tube and tub for home)
Triple paste (at drugstore for serious diaper rash)
Diapers (Pampers Swaddlers)
Nail scissors and file
Nasal Aspirator (hospital gives you one and some drs. don’t recommend them)
Brush & Comb
Aveeno Baby Bath & Baby shampoo (really gentle)
Aveeno Baby Lotion or Vedababy creams
( - pure/no preservatives)
Eucerin or aquaphor
Thermometer (ear / rectal)
Infant Tylenol
Wipes (Pampers Sensitive or Natural) best ones are LANSINOH– they don’t have a lot of the chemicals that some babies are really sensitive to, and they are nice and thick.
Diaper Squares for changing table (disposable blue things)
Nursing Pads & Bras (Maternity Store)
Lanolin (for Breasts)
Medela Breast Pump (electric or manual)
Formula (ask pediatrician what kind - Enfamil
Lipil with Iron) - Formula really should be an emergency-only item; here’s why:
The formula market is HUGE, but the risks are surprising. 40% higher rate of childhood cancers in formula-fed babies, etc.
Add to drugstore list: lots of maxi pads. (??)


Bottles 4oz and 8oz (Avent or Playtex & some people like Dr. Brown’s - difficult to clean - supposedly helps with gas - ALSO - new brand called Born Free - no plastic preservatives) _ Adiri bottle is good for breastfed babies

Bottle & Nipple Brush
Bottle Sterilizer (or you can just boil in a big pot to sterilize) - Medela makes microwave steam sterilizer bags–LOVE these
Bottle Bag - Bag with ice-pack (you will receive this at the hospital)
Bottle drying rack
Nipple Basket - for dishwasher
Portable Wipes Holder
Sunscreen (not until 6 months)


Bassinette (plus fitted sheets, mattress pads, rubber pads, waterproof pad)
Rocking Chair or Glider (and foot stool/ottoman)
Changing Table, Pad, Pad Covers - a contoured changing pad and cover are great because you can use them on any surface
Mirror - Changing Table
Black & White Toys (developmental toys)
For Crib:
crib mattress, crib bib, rubber pad, mattress cover
Mobile for over the crib
Bedding - sheets, bumpers, blanket, crib skirt
Wedgie - keeps baby on its back in the crib (so it doesn’t roll)
Baby Monitor (Safety First Video monitor is awesome)
Infant Bath & sponge pad in bath for support
Breast feeding pillow/Boppi (suggested, but not necessary)


Bibs, Burp Cloths, thick towels with head, receiving blanket, miracle blanket, insert, washcloths, a few short undershirts (before umbilical cord falls off), hats, onsies (lots of them), pajamas, stretchies, socks (Hanna Andersson first socks are best).


1st one - Graco Car seat with Kolcraft Universal Snap and Go - can use up until 6 months and great for city - easy to get in & out of cars and cabs. The only concern is that keeping a baby in a carseat for extended stretches is not a good idea– bad for their developing spines. I’d use a different stroller when possible rather than always defaulting to this

2nd - Maclaren Techno - easy to fold and back goes all the way down for napping - Bugaboo is cool looking (design wise) but VERY difficult in the city if you don’t walk everywhere - hard to fold and takes up a lot of room in your apartment

For Stroller (netting, rain cover, mesh bag, cup holder, SPF sun cover, bundle me)

The challenge with the maclaren is that they are angled in such a way that they are very uncomfortable if your baby has any sort of acid reflux– will give them very painful tummy aches if they are in it more than a few minutes– we had to get rid of ours and trade it for a P3. The stokke has gotten good reviews from
urban moms, as has the inglesina line.

Infant car seat (GRACO) & head rest with Kolcraft Universal snap-n-go
Electric Swing (Fisher Price take along swing folds up)
Baby Bouncer (Fisher Price super soft one or the Kick and Play)
Activity play mat / gym (for 3 months & up)

Sling - Bjorn suspends a baby by the crotch– not good for crotch or spine. There are similar carriers that support the baby under the tush rather than by the crotch that are safer. Ergo, Beco are the best. Ergo is also great and is dad-preferred.)
Fisher Price Aquarium for inside crib - plays music and lights up
Graco Porta crib (pack-n-play) & mattress & mattress & mattress cover
Diaper Bag (Skip Hop - straps on stroller/tons of colors and not so Diaper bag-ish) -
Diaper Genie & refill
Purell or handiwipes for diaper bag


  1. Here's my two cents on what you DON'T need:

    Cotton Ball & Q-tip holder
    Triple Paste
    Nasal Aspirator (just use the one from the dr. if you need. They never worked on my kids)
    Brush & Comb -seriously! It will get messed up 2 seconds after you comb it. Its not going to tangle
    Aveeno Baby Bath & Baby shampoo - generic is just as soft and gentle
    Diaper Squares for changing table-just throw the changing table cover in the wash if you need to.
    Do NOT get an underwire nursing bra! It will clog your milk ducts and you will get a painful infection.
    Bottle drying rack- Only useful if you are formula feeding. Otherwise they can dry on a towel on the counter when you happen to use one.
    Bassinette- You don't really need this unless you want it in your room. The crib is just fine from day one.
    Mirror - Changing Table- What? You don't need a mirror to see what you are doing. I guess the baby could find it entertaining but not a necessity.
    Black & White Toys (developmental toys)- Look around your house. There is plenty of black and white to entertain baby. You don't need "toys" until 6 months or older. Babies occupy themselves with anything! They always want what mom has anyway.
    Wedgie - Its an infant... it doesn't roll. They don't have the strength. When it learns to roll, then it doesn't matter what position they are in.
    Burp Cloths- wait and see if you need them. Just get a couple to start. My kids never really spit up so I didn't use them.
    Graco snap and stroll stroller- the car seats snap into regular strollers so unless you are super cramped on space, you don't need one.
    Stuff I DO like:
    Graco Quattro Tour deluxe stroller
    desitin (walmart makes an awesome generic)
    Graco Safe Seat infant car seat
    Miracle Blanket
    Infant Tylenol (Walmart's generic is also awesome and A LOT cheaper)
    Sony Baby Call baby monitor
    Pillow for nursing - even a bed pillow works
    Blanket sleepers
    I'll let you know if I think of anything else!

  2. didn't post my original comment! thanks for cutting my list down, it looks way more manageable now =)
