Friday, October 2, 2009

The weeks before we found out I was pregnant...

Some of you are aware DJ and I (with friends) own and opperate a CrossFit gym, - I workout hard daily, doing my own work outs as well as training others. Now remember my first post, I thought I was pregnant, but every test I took said I was NOT, so I continued on with regular training. I set a new PR (personal record) and deadlifted 255#, took over the board with a Thruster/Double-under wod (workout of the day) and continued to use RX'd (perscribed women's weight) pushing myself to workout as fast as I could while maintaining good form.

I also had a super fun day with my cousin J.C! Thanks to a friend, I was able to take her to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom aka MARINE WORLD. We spent the entire day going on rides, running around, eating funnel cake and laughing. I believe we rode ROAR 5-7 times! Poor baby =(

During the weeks before finding out I also started to take Kajukenbo classes (self defense). I learned how to take down men and women larger then me and how to better protect myself. Several times I was taken down to the ground and hit. Lucky for me our little bean is strong and just kept up with me! He/she is still healthy and according to all the blood/urine tests everything is fine.

Since finding out we are pregnant I do plan to continue CrossFiting, just using lighter weight and not pushing myself to workout so hard but rather maintain strength. Since finding out I have run a 5K, workout following 3 days on 1 day off and continue to do weighted movements and nonweighted movements such as: pull-ups, push ups, squats. As the baby continues to grow I will share workout pictures with all of you.

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