Monday, March 1, 2010

Another insight to what Caden will look like?!

DJ has been teasing me for a while about the "" photo of what Caden would look like. He was convinced Caden looked nothing like us and that if he got to pick out the pictures used, she would look better. Better? :/ Not so much, but different...

I have decided it was best not to make these anymore and we will just wait until she gets here! We are however, having a sneak peek tomorrow at our 4D ultrasound appointment. Will post pictures.

Here is how Caden's room is coming along...Just need a mattress and bedding! So happy all the painting is done =)


-How far along? 31 weeks+1 day!
-How big is baby? Over 16in
-Weight gain/loss? 27 lbs gained
-Maternity clothes? Yup
-Stretchies? Nope
-Sleep? Sleeping well and through the night
-Best moment this week? All Caden's clothes are washed and put away!
-Movement? Lots of movement, I think this baby has 8 arms!
-Food cravings? Chocolate milk
-Gender? Girl
-Labor signs? None
-Belly button in or out? Sometimes flush, sometimes OUT
-What I miss? Touching my toes and not being out of breath when I put on my shoes
-What I am looking forward to? 4D ultrasound Tuesday
-Weekly wisdom? Someone was so kind to show me what 10cm really looks like...
-Milestones? Figuring out our birth plan (who knows if it really sticks!)


  1. I think this is probably closer to what she'll look like too!!
    Love the room - where'd you get the decal?

  2. Thanks Jess! I got the decal from wasn't too hard to figure out and came with a sample so you could practice. There are tons to choose from.

  3. I want to find something that is cute but not 'too' cute ;) for my boys room ... maybe a tree like everyone else has in their nursery! ha!

  4. The brand specifically was "Solana Graphics Studio." There are tons too look though, I even liked some of the sayings you could put over the crib. I saw some cute monkies too!!
