Monday, April 26, 2010

39 weeks

From the

Your baby's waiting to greet the world! He continues to build a layer of fat to help control his body temperature after birth, but it's likely he already measures about 20 inches and weighs a bit over 7 pounds, a mini watermelon. (Boys tend to be slightly heavier than girls.) The outer layers of his skin are sloughing off as new skin forms underneath.



-How far along? 39 weeks!
-How big is baby? 6lbs? Dr. believes Caden will be between 6 and 7lb pounds at birth.
-Weight gain/loss? 33lbs+ (stayed the same for 2 weeks)
-Maternity clothes? Yup
-Stretchies? Nope
-Sleep? Sleep could be better, having more problems rolling/adjusting from side to side in the middle of the night, plus baby movement, usually around 1am.
-Best moment this week? Got quite a bit of gardening done :)
-Movement? She is running out of room, but keeps moving
-Food cravings? Somewhat loss of appetite. Eating smaller meals.
-Gender? Girl
-Labor signs? 1cm dilated and 50% effaced as of today. I am aware I could walk around like this for a week :( But I am hoping to make progress.
-Belly button in or out? Out and I hope it goes back in when she comes out!
-What I miss? Not being out of breath when I tie my shoes!
-What I am looking forward to? Seeing Caden. Seeing DJ with Caden.
-Weekly wisdom? Anyone have any wisdom to pass along?
-Milestones? Ever since I saw her heart flicker on the ultrasound, I have had it written down Caden was due May 8th. Today, I found out I have been mistaken. Caden is actually due May 3rd! They assure me they are not "moving up the date" but this has actually been her due date the whole time. How could I have added 5 days? Oh well. I guess I am a little closer then first anticipated.
I still feel really good. I ran a 5k last week in 33min, I am still following CrossFit and am super healthy. The Dr. insists I don't need to be seen next week as my pregnancy has been so "easy". I haven't had blood pressure issues, no anemia, no swelling, no diabetes, weight gain has been healthy, my next appointment isn't going to be until Caden is LATE (please don't be late), May 10th.
I have been having dreams about Caden. They are so vivid in the morning that I have to wake DJ up to tell him, because by the afternoon I forget parts or they aren't as "real". The last two I can recall involved her being born before Mother's Day because I had to run to the store and buy my own mother a card and the other one I could only remember she had dark hair (I can't remember her eye color) and she was breastfeeding with no latch problems. I don't care about the hair color, but I am hoping the date and latching are true :)

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