Sunday, May 2, 2010

Venting Session

I thought I was going to snap yesterday! I couldn't go anywhere where someone didn't want to inform me of their labor, why I should breastfeed or that if I really wanted to "start labor" I should go on a walk! Walking might work for some, I am not doubting that, but I ran a 5k yesterday and NOTHING HAPPENED. After my run, I walked to the corner store (needed my chocolate milk fix) by the gym where a man proceeded to tell me I must breastfeed, all while he purchased a 5th of E&J Whiskey at 9:30am! I am sure he had other great parenting advice seeing as when he left he had a little girl in his car!
The man at Cost Plus World Market felt the need to get out of line and come tell me I had no business shopping alone in my "condition". First off, I wasn't a lone, Melissa was right there, and since when is being pregnant a condition which limits you from grabbing a few Mother's Day gifts!
The woman at Red Lobster showed me about 4 pictures on her phone of her 1 month old, who she was already trusting with a non relative babysitter. She informed me that had I been exercising during my pregnancy and walking every day, I would have had the baby already...LITTLE DOES SHE KNOW.
Lastly, the woman at the spa wanted to tell me about the birth of her triplets. She had a completely normal pregnancy until she went into labor 27 weeks pregnant. One of her baby's didn't make it. I suggested she not share that story with new moms.

Nonetheless, I am 40 weeks pregnant and I have no news to report.

Where can I get this shirt?!

pregnancy cartoon


  1. Hahaha! I LOVE YOU! Your post put a smile on my face... not that I'm laughing at your expense... just remembering what its like to hear everyones opinions and advice when they have no clue what's going on. I wish I could let you know it would stop after Caden is born, but it won't. They will continue to butt in and tell you your baby is hungry and that's why she's crying (even though you know she ate 10 minutes ago) and so on. Oh the joy! You'll be a great mom. Ignore all the stupidity of strangers around you. Mom knows best! You're awesome for being so active during your pregnancy! Kisses!

  2. lol!!! :( :D sorry!!! and its true it will keep coming after shes born too!! ha! even on my 3rd ppl tell me what it WILL or WONT be like and what I SHOULD or SHOULDNT be doing. You get good at ignoring which comes in handy when your little one becomes a toddler!!!! lmao
