Wednesday, May 5, 2010

40 weeks + 2 days


Is it just me or do I look smaller now then week 39?

How far along? 40 weeks + 2 days
-How big is baby? Dr. guesses 7 lbs
-Weight gain/loss? 33lbs last weigh in, don't have a scale at home, so I am not sure.
-Maternity clothes? Yup
-Stretchies? Nope
-Sleep? Sleeping great! And happy to have it!
-Best moment this week? Having fun trying all the induce labor stuff! It's entertaining and fun couple stuff :)
-Movement? Regular movement
-Food cravings? No cravings
-Gender? Girl
-Labor signs? Didn't go to the Dr. this week, based on last appt 1 cm dilated. Don't have another appointment scheduled until 5/10 (1 week late)
-Belly button in or out? Out and I hope it goes back in when she comes out!
-What I miss? Cold beer and red wine
-What I am looking forward to? Seeing Caden. Seeing DJ with Caden. SMELLING Caden!
-Weekly wisdom? None.
-Milestones? 40 weeks came and went...I am eager to see this little girl, but I know she will come when she is ready.

1 comment:

  1. welp - youre officially OVERDUE :-/
    cant WAIT to meet her!
