Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Caden's Arrival


On May 5th, I called DJ and expressed my concern my water had broke. DJ came home from work and I called L&D; I was told if a continuing leak occurred or contractions started to come in. Neither happened, false alarm. I felt awful that DJ had left work.

On May 6th, I was feeling very tired. I rested most of the day until it was time to go to the gym. I was debating if I should work out of not. I started late in the class and with Seth, a friend, decided we would split the workout. The workout was "Jackie" (row 1000m, 50 thrusters with a 45# bar and 30 pull-ups); Seth wore a 40# weighted vest to complete the workout "prego." We divided the workout in half; I would row the first 500 Meters and he would row the last 500 Meters. When he finished rowing I would do 25 thrusters and so forth until we were done with the workout. Well, I was about 400m into my row when all of a sudden this "gush" happened. I immediately stopped rowing and looked around, everyone asked what was wrong to which I responded "I have to pee". I closed my eyes and just hoped there wasn't anything on the seat. Thankfully Seth hopped on the rower and there wasn't anything there (I am also thankful I had black pants on)! I went to the restroom where my "pee" wasn't normal, it was somewhat green. I had a decision to make, I could either tell everyone my water broke or I could finish the workout. I was concerned to tell everyone my water broke because I didn't want another false alarm or for DJ to miss work. So, I walked out of the bathroom, went to the mirror, checked to see if anyone else could see my pants were wet down to my thighs AND I FINISHED MY WORKOUT! I finished the 25 thrusters and 15 pull-ups watching everyone to see if they could notice. After my workout I told everyone that I was having pressure and felt I should go home and was hoping they could cover class. They all said it was fine, so I went home.

As soon as I got home I called Labor & Delivery expressing my concern that my water had broke. I had no contractions (at the time) but felt I should be looked at. I asked the nurse her opinion on me driving myself as I didn't want to ask DJ to leave work. She stated she couldn't offer that kind of advice but if I felt fine, I wasn't the fist person to do it. I started grabbing all the "last minute" items I wanted to take to the hospital (brush, make up bag, face wash, cell phone charger etc...) and went to load up the truck. When I got outside my neighbor was mowing his lawn and I knew he would suspect something if he saw me loading the car with luggage. So, I moved the truck at an angle blocking his view and opened the garage to sneak everything into the car. I was on my way to the hospital at 5:15pm.

On my car ride there I didn't call anyone. I had 3 contractions that I was able to breathe through and just listened to music. Now, what I listened too exactly, I have no idea! When I got to the hospital I didn't want to park in designated Labor parking because I didn't want to take a spot from someone who may "really" be in labor. So, I parked on the 3rd floor of the parking garage and took the stairs. When I got in the hospital I walked toward the elevator (L&D is on the 2nd floor), I noticed another pregnant woman and her significant other carrying bags and their admitting paper work, I decided I wanted to get there first, so again, I took the stairs. Apparently I'm a bit competitive. I got there first, all my paper work was verified and I was sent in to be examined by a nurse.

During my examination contractions started to last longer, get closer together and were much more intense. I was there an hour before it was confirmed my water broke. As soon as the nurse verified that I was in fact in labor I called DJ- he didn't answer his work or personal phone so I called his work directly and asked that he be located and sent to the hospital. DJ called me back and said he was on his way and wanted to know how I got there and how I was doing. I told him I had driven myself and I swear I heard his jaw drop over the phone. After some fancy driving and some lights and sirens DJ showed up at the hospital.

Because I requested a midwife and requested no medication I was never checked to see how dilated I was, this is to avoid infection. DJ and I sat in triage until 8:15pm because I wanted ROOM 7. Room 7 is the water birthing room. After getting into our Labor Room contractions again started to get even closer together and were much more intense. By this time my mom had arrived and was with us.

The contractions were so intense that I asked to be checked. The nurse discovered that I was 7.5 cm dilated. Within 2min, I felt the strong urge to push, DJ told me not too as we were alone (the nurse stepped out and my mom was getting the video camera). When the nurse came back DJ told her I wanted to push, she told me not to and that I if I did I could tare, I asked that I be checked again. Sure enough, I was 10 cm and Caden was ready to come out. Everything happened so fast, there was no time to set up the tub or get the bed ready, I just started to push. At 10:28pm Caden was born.

Shortly after Caden was born the nurse I spoke with on the phone came in to tell me there was no way she thought I would be giving birth today let alone on her shift! She also warned that with the next one should I have any thoughts about giving birth I better get there quick!!!



  1. Wow.Thats Amazing!
    Cadens just as beautiful as you are, Lo.
    Caden- I cant wait to meet you babygirl! :)

  2. aww! the little girls come fast! i was in the water birthing room too. lol. good story, lo. :) can't wait to see the little muchkin. though, i fear by the time we see her, she'll already be doing pull ups at the gym. bwahaha!

  3. One of the best birthing stories I've, she popped right out! Congats again!

  4. HOLY MOTHER!!! That is CRAZY! Want to have my kids for me? I loved reading your story. Love ya!

  5. OMG - not only are you INSANE but a total rock star!!!! Love it!
    Hope all is well at the J house!

  6. Holy Schnikees! Classic CrossFit Mom. Congrats to you and DJ!
