Sunday, January 10, 2010

Half Marathon Feb. 7th

24 weeks pregnant and making CRAZY decisions! So, it's not crazy to me, though I am sure some of you are going to be concerned. But...I have decided to run in a half marathon pregnant. The run takes place February 7th (in Davis, Ca) which will make me 28 weeks pregnant exactly. I have done A LOT of reading and based on what I have read, the training I have done at CrossFit, my Dr.'s approval and my stubborn attitude- this is completely do-able. So first thing to do is buy a heart monitor (or find someone who will loan me one). I have decided not to do any extra running and will not plan on "training" for the event. Rather, like many CrossFit articles, I am going to rely on what I have learned at CrossFit and put it to the test (CrossFit prepares you for ANYTHING; including a half marathon pregnant). As long as my heart rate stays normal, the baby and I will be fine. Should it increase, I will goal is to just finish.

For those of you that do not know, a half marathon is 13.1 miles. I participated in a 10K (6.21 miles) on Thanksgiving and a 5K (3.11) the week before. I feel completely confident and healthy in doing this run and hope all of you will support me. I am lucky in that some close friends from the gym (who have experience running a half marathon) are going to run with me and encourage me along the way. I am not doing this "for time" or to win any sort of prize. I am doing it because I feel great, because I want to tell my daughter I was strong while I carried her, because my daughter will one day be proud of her mother and I want to check it off my long list of "things to do" (mind you, I will do it again and get a faster time NOT PREGNANT, one day!)

I am following a blog called "Marathon Mommies" and getting tons of information and support. There are women who have run farther and much further a long in their pregnancies then I plan too.

I am excited.

"The fight is won or lost far away from the witnesses... in the gym, and out there on the road..." - Muhammad Ali

Next Appointment January 21st- 2 1/2 weeks before the half marathon.