Saturday, January 9, 2010

What's sleep?!

I expected sleeping to get cut short when the baby arrived, but I didn't think I would be having so much trouble now!

Baby Girl likes to play, around 11pm! She plays for just a little over an hour, almost every night. I try to prompt her to play earlier in the evening, but she doesn't care what I want. I am also awakened by leg cramps (mostly right leg) and frequent potty breaks. I guess I am prepping myself for those late night feedings and diaper changes...

I feel like I have had a relatively easy pregnancy so far; guess every day is different. What I didn't get in morning sickness, I am getting in leg cramps and a late night partying! If it weren't for ultrasounds I would swear she had 8 arms!


  1. oh man - youre reminding me whats to come! I would wake up with the gnarliest charlie horses in the middle of the night - they were terrible!! and the sleep thing ... I think its DEFINITELY Gods way of prepping us for whats to come.
    Hang in there & practice your cat nap skills - you'll need that skill soon enough ;)

  2. Sleep?! What is that?! Just you wait. I swear it'll seem like the only time you can nap is when they nap--except that's the only time when you can get things done. Haha! Having issues now. I can't just nap whenever because Kaela's all over the place. :(
